Pee Dee 

Our one rock stop of the day — we still have a ways to go today — is along the Great Peedee River. We are visiting the type section of the Pee Dee Belemnite formation. Those familiar with isotope geochemistry may recall they PDB standard for carbon isotopes is based on a Belemnite recovered from here. 



Panther Creek

The regular campground at Panther Cteek State Park is closed temporarily for repaving. Instead they put us in a wonderful grassy field just down the creek of the park’s name from the campground. We had it all to ourselves, complete with portapotty, if one wanted to avoid the long walk up to the main faculties.

Our one formally planned stop today is an outcrop of the Pee Dee Belemnite. Our final destination is near Savannah, GA, so a long day of driving awaits us. Time to rise…


About five miles west of Williamsburg, KY, we’ve stopped to explore an outcrop representing a variety of environments. We find channel deposits, festooned cross-bedding, truncated cross-bedding, coals, etc. 

We briefly visited here a couple years ago on our way back home on our last Texas field trip. While gassing up nearby, a local told us about the new highway route they had recently blasted through here. It’s definitely worth adding as a regular stop.